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Mayan Spice Chili

Today’s recipe is by Julie Bolejack of Chocolate for the Spirit. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that a world-renowned chocolatier lives within about half an hour of us. I was thrilled when she offered to make chili using our premium dry-aged Charolais ground beef. I can’t wait to try this recipe, myself.

When I discovered Fleming Family Beef, I knew just what to make with this local ground beef. My Cocoa for the Spirit Mayan Spice Blend combines the warm, savory flavors usually associated with chili with the smooth, rich taste of my chocolate. Many people are surprised that many gourmet chili recipes include chocolate. You’ve probably enjoyed it as an ingredient and never realized it. Now, you can surprise others with my new favorite recipe.

A serving of Julie's Mayan Spice Chili.

PREP: Less than 15 minutes

NOTE: Thaw Fleming Family Beef Ground Beef in refrigerator overnight.

COOK: 45 minutes



  1. In a small soup pot, melt Butter over medium heat.
  2. Add Sweet Onion and sauté until translucent.
  3. Add Fleming Family Beef Ground Beef, breaking into chunks. Turn heat to medium high to brown beef, stirring constantly.
  4. Add Peeled Marzano Tomatoes in Liquid and turn heat to medium low. Stirring occasionally, let cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Stir in Cocoa for the Spirit Mayan Spice Blend, Garlic, Lime, and Salt. Stirring constantly, cook on low for 5 minutes.
  6. Evenly divide into 4 bowls.
  7. Top each with Sour Cream and Parsley.
  8. Enjoy warm.

YIELD: 4 servings





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